- 総力戦{そうりょくせん}をもたらす
lead to all-out war 意味
- "lead to abuse" 意味
- "lead to achievement of" 意味
- "lead to acts of discrimination against" 意味
- "lead to advancements in globalization in areas such" 意味
- "lead to all sorts of trouble later" 意味
- "lead to an active demand for" 意味
- "lead to an altered" 意味
- "lead to an easing of tensions" 意味
- "lead to an emerging common sense of community" 意味
- "lead to advancements in globalization in areas such" 意味
- "lead to all sorts of trouble later" 意味
- "lead to an active demand for" 意味
- "lead to an altered" 意味